Matters Group continues to grow and welcomes the consultants Petra Carlenarson, Thomas Kirkegaard, Michael Wernstedt and Klara Nordström to the team! Matters Group have with this team gathered professionals with exciting skills within sustainability, smart cities, innovation and organisation development to help businesses flourish.

Petra Carlenarson joins the team as a senior consultant with expertise in environmental issues, urban planning and infrastructure. Petra has previously worked with large scale infrastructural projects at Nacka municipality and is a former environmental consultant from Sweco.

Thomas Kirkegaard is passionate about innovation, transformation and co-creation. Thomas joins the team as a senior consultant with 20+ years of experience in marketing, strategy development and leadership. He contributes with strong capabilities regarding analyzing complexity and to drive change.

The social entrepreneur Michael Wernstedt joins Matters Group as a senior consultant. With his cross-sectoral background as a lawyer at Baker & McKenzie, as executive director at Raoul Wallenberg Academy and the former party leader at Initiativet he brings fundamental knowledge in  businesses development, organisation development and leadership.

Klara Nordström joins the team as a junior consultant. As a former sustainability coordinator at RNB Retail and Brands, a sustainability coach for UN SDSN and from conducting field work in India she has experience in project management, GRI and intersectional analysis.

At Matters Group, our focus is on helping brave leaders transform businesses by strategic sustainability work. New issues and new solutions keep transforming all markets. Our approach has proven to be very successful. However, society and our environment are under constant change, which demands new skills. Petras expertise in smart cities, Thomas drive for transformative innovation, Michaels cross-sectional exploration and Klaras energy and can do spirit, they all give me confidence that our new stronger team will continue to support leaders and drive sustainable change for the future.” – Niclas Ihrén, Founder and CEO at Matters Group.

Matters Group:
Matters Group (Matters Consulting AB) is a strategy consulting firm that advises companies and organizations to successfully integrate sustainability and social issues into their core business. We work on strategy development, risk management and innovation processes. We are committed to working closely with our clients’ board and management on issues that are important both for their development and for society at large. Matters Group works with various types of clients across sectors from large consumer companies with strong brand names to smaller industrial and professional services companies. Currently, we are working with both service and product companies, both in Sweden and abroad.